Our 8 Golden Rules underpin our core value ‘Live Safety’, help our people to make a personal commitment, and apply to everybody, at all times – no exceptions including sub-contractors.
We give everyone a personal card which they must carry with them at all times while working for Actavo, to reinforce our ‘zero harm’ and ‘work safe, home safe’ ethos.
1. Care about everyone’s safety – I will care about everyone’s safety, not just my own.
2. Use the correct PPE, tools and equipment – I will always wear the correct PPE for the task and use it in the correct manner. I will check tools and equipment before each use to ensure they are safe to use and fit for purpose.
3. Speak up, intervene and escalate – I will always report unsafe acts and conditions. I am empowered to intervene if I see someone acting in an unsafe manner.
4. Plan and assess my work – I will plan my work taking into account the relevant safe operating procedures and systems of work. I will conduct a job specific risk assessment.5.

5. Protect myself from falling – I will always use the appropriate fall protection system and equipment identified in the safe operating procedure and system of work for the task, when working at heights.
6. Drive safely – I will drive in an appropriate manner, taking into account local conditions, vehicle, my driving skills and experience.
7. Report for work in a fit condition – I will not report for work under the influence of drugs or alcohol. I will report to my line manager, any medical condition that may affect my ability to work safely.
8. Undertake tasks within my competency – I will only undertake tasks I have been trained to do. I will ensure anyone I ask to perform a task is trained and competent.