Actavo supplied and installed over 1,000 poles for speed limit signs and installed up to 180 speed limit signs across Fingal County Council’s administrative area.
Scope of works
During the design phase Actavo carried out ground surveys to decide the location/ relocation of poles and their visibility to drivers as well as the location of underground services, signing lighting, and guarding services. The team worked out wind load calculations and designed the poles and their foundations. Actavo supplied and installed the metal poles for signage as well as installing the signage.
Services delivered
- Approximately 1,000 new poles were installed in residential areas.
- Approximately 30 new poles were installed on other roads.
- Up to 180 speed limit signs were installed.
- For each new pole installed/removed within a concrete footpath, a 3m² concrete bay was constructed.
- Pedestrian and traffic management at all locations.
Key successes
Actavo took on this project at a conceptual stage and worked with FCC to develop the deliverables.
The GeoPal Workflow App was specifically developed for this project with all 1000+ locations imported, surveyed in advance with the pole locations identified and assigned to the crews. This helped end-to-end management of the project and provided weekly reports confirming quality, conformance to specification and progress. The app provided weekly progress reports to Fingal County Council.
Solutions to challenges
When the project began there were no design specifications for the poles and foundations. Actavo engaged a structural engineer to work out wind load calculations and designed suitable poles and foundations to support them.
Benefits to client
Enforceable speed limit signage installed across the region leading to safer roads in area.