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Frank Deegan has worked as an engineer with Actavo for almost nine years. But his commitment to helping others goes far beyond his day job. As well as working on the In-Home team as a senior engineer, Frank volunteers as a Cardiac First Responder and has been instrumental in bringing life-saving resources to his local community. 

Under Actavo’s Community Giving Fund, Frank was given a Defibrillator to have in his vehicle so he can respond to emergencies in his community and beyond. We talk to him about what this means for him and the people he’ll be able to help. 

I’ve been involved in outdoor activities for years. I'm part of a group of cardiac first responders based in Piltown in County Waterford. I’m the guy to go to when something happens medically wise. I've been doing it since I was in the Navy back in the day.

Recently we managed to raise €1,500 for a defibrillator which is kept outside my local pub. A few days after that, I saw a communication from Actavo about a Community Giving Fund, looking to sponsor local initiatives. I asked for another defibrillator as normally cardiac first responders have them in their car, but they are expensive and I didn’t have one.

Frank Deegan

Engineer, Acavo In-Home

Frank is also part of the Red Cross. If someone has an accident at home or they aren’t breathing for some reason and call 999 or 112, Frank receives a text alert. If he can get there ahead of the ambulance he carries out first aid until the ambulance arrives with an AED. 

Now, with the defibrillator in the car at all times, I’m in a position to go to the scene of someone in difficulty. It is geolocated, so if I see a text coming through, it has a certain tone to alert me and if I'm within a mile or two of the incident, I can drop everything and go straight to that location, no matter where it is in the country. That’s the beauty of me carrying the defibrillator with me in the van. 

I like being helpful to the community. I've always been that way. I like to help where I can. I don't see it as a burden. For me it's a very positive thing.

Frank Deegan

Engineer, Actavo In-Home

Keith Tobin, CEO, was delighted to present the new defibrillator to Frank in our offices on 19 June, along with Divisional Director, Michael Payne.

On behalf of the Community Giving Committee and everyone at Actavo, I’d like to thank Frank for all his community work, which embodies our values as an organisation. We hope this small gesture on our part will help save a life in the local community.

Keith Tobin

Group CEO, Actavo