Actavo Industrial supports Julian Benson Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
We offer a full range of insulation applications as well as a variety of fire protection services.
Our Insulation solutions cover the full spectrum of thermal, cryogenic and acoustic insulation and applications. A range of fire protection services are available, including fire seals and general penetration work. We have a proven track record in hydrocarbon fire protection. Our areas of operation include structural steelwork, vessels, tanks and spheres for either new construction or maintenance works.

We place great importance on maintaining and developing strong technical and commercial links with primary manufacturers and suppliers. We continually review new products and applications to improve quality, cost-effectiveness, and alternative methods of installation for our clients.

Memberships & Licences
We are a long-established member of the Thermal Insulation Contractors Association (TICA). We are a licensed UK applicator for the major cementitious and epoxy hydrocarbon fire systems. We are licensed for the following:
- Promat Fendolite
- International Chartek
- PPG Pitt-Char
- Sherwin Williams Firetex M90
Insulation technologies
We offer a full range of insulation technologies, including:
- Mineral fibres
- Cellular glass
- Calcium silicate
- Polyurethane
- Phenolic foams
We use a range of cladding materials, including:
- Stainless steel
- Aluminium
- Galvanised mild steel
Alternative finishes include ULVA Shield, FibaRoll and Terostat.
Some of our work